2 Spiritual Values that Will Increase Your Profits

Having these two Spiritual values embedded right into your business will make running your business easier, more profitable and very satisfying for everyone in your company.

Does this sound too good to be true?

That’s what I thought years ago. Now after working in the contracting industry for over 20 years and seeing hundreds of companies, I’ve learned a thing or two.

I’ve realized the most successful companies have two Spiritual values at the core of their company.

I’ve also realized, if you’re a contractor and you’re missing these two values, you’re company is most likely struggling.

Let’s get into these values, why they are important to increasing your profits and what you can do about it.

Value #1: Respect

What do I mean by this?

Well…respect for others translates into great customer service.

If you’re acting with a great deal of respect towards your customers this means you’re going to do a great job of taking care of them.

Respect also translates into you having great communication with them. This means you will be generous in making sure every concern they have is address and every question they have is answered.

This is an important value for your business because when you have great customer service, you tend to retain clients longer.

Respect keeps your customers coming back time and time again. This also helps to increase your profits because it is cheaper to retain a client than find a new client.

It costs you more money to acquire a new client, than it does to keep an existing client.

How to Embed This Value Into Your Business

Respect for self is the starting point for embedding this value into your business and your company’s culture.

With self respect comes good self esteem, self worth and responsibility. This is what drive great employee performance.

When you have employees who feel great about themselves it is reflected in their work habits, productivity and interactions with their co-workers and your customers.

This is a key driver to increase your net profits is to have employees who have a high level of self respect, great self esteem, self confidence and treats others well.

And remember, leadership rolls down hill. What I mean by this is the amount of respect you see in your company is a reflection of the amount of respect you have for yourself and others.

To have more respect in your company, increase your employees’ productivity and your profits, remember the value of respect first starts with you.

Then make sure you only hire employees who have this value as well.

Value #2: Integrity

Integrity is one of those values that may seem so obvious that it’s not worth mentioning.

Yet here’s the deal…the majority of contractors overlook this value and don’t really understand it.

Maybe you can relate to this?

You must understand reasonableness is the enemy of impeccable integrity.

What I mean by this is all too often than impeccable integrity si what you get and you put up with it.

When you do, it starts to permeate into the culture of your company.

You know that old adage of, “If you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile.”

This is the way reasonableness destroys companies and their profits.

We all start with the best intentions right?

Then one day, you or one of your employees may tell a client you’ll call them back in an hour, you get busy, look up and the day has gone by.

You tell yourself, it’s okay. I’m sure they’ll understand, which most will.

Yet when you make it a commitment to honor your word and call them back within the hour, your client or prospect remembers that.

How to Embed Integrity Into Your Business

Rather than letting the circumstance dictate your results, make it a habit to do what you say you will do.

It starts with the small things. If you tell someone you’ll call them back or send them an email by the end of day, do it.

And if you can’t, you say so and are responsible about it.

It may look like you picking up the phone calling your client, leaving them a message or sending them an email saying something like…

“Hey Bill, I told you I would call you by 5pm today and allowed the day to get away from me. My apologies. I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again. Are you available tomorrow at 9am?”

This is a level of professionalism and commitment that is uncommon in today’s business world.

The fact of the matter is without integrity nothing works and without impeccable integrity, really great performance and high levels of long-term success is not possible.

Your Next Steps

My mission is to demonstrate that a business embracing practices of kindness, respect and empowerment will be very, very successful and profitable.

Ready for a new level of success in your business?

Working with hundreds of companies in over 8,000 meetings for 25 years has shown me if you take the right actions, you will get the best results. The GNA program helps you break free from the exhausting effort to run your business. We offer a step-by-step program helping you to thrive and build the business you always wanted.

Explore how you can achieve a new level of success in your company, schedule time with me today: https://calendly.com/greg-479/free-30-min-discovery