Fear Based Management

No business owner would plan to sabotage business by inspiring fear with employees. Not intentionally, at least. But often, due to the financial stress of months where business is slow, owners and managers pass on information that de-motivates employees at a time when you most need their best effort. Although it may seem normal to complain about typical business problems, it can have an adverse effect on employees who may take it personally.

Fear is not a good motivator. Scared employees work less effectively. Fear has a very short shelf life, and can lead to resentment and resistance. Fear impedes real thinking, innovation, challenge, and risk taking. Replaced with avoiding responsibility, CYA, and doing the minimal amount.

Instead, talk about what’s working and what you would like to see more of. Acknowledge each person for their best efforts and you will get more of that.

Your Next Steps

My mission is to demonstrate that a business embracing practices of kindness, respect and empowerment will be very, very successful and profitable.  

Ready for a new level of success in your business? 

Working with hundreds of companies in over 8,000 meetings for 25 years has shown me if you take the right actions, you will get the best results. The GNA program helps you break free from the exhausting effort to run your business. We offer a step-by-step program helping you to thrive and build the business you always wanted. 

Explore how you can achieve a new level of success in your company, schedule time with me today: https://calendly.com/greg-479/free-30-min-discovery