Our Clients’ Results Are Our Best Testimonials

How I’ve Helped Others

Before I started working with a company in Southern California, the team was demotivated and demoralized. The owner was completely burned out. He didn’t spend any time at the company, all he wanted to do was train for ultra-marathons.

It took me months to get them to where somebody smiled for the first time in a meeting. Months! Now, they are killing it. The woman who does all the estimating has been meeting her goal of $400,000 – $500,000 a month for months now, which is huge! She said to me the other day,” yeah, I could do a million.” When her manager tried to talk to her about a financial incentive, she said “Nah, money really isn’t the biggest motivator for me.” He said, “oh really, what is?” She replied, “I want to manage and coach and have 10 people on my team.” Which means the owner is now going to have to branch out and open up some new locations.

In another company I coach there is a marketing person who was doing $40,000 a month before I started working with the company. $40,000 to $50,000 dollars a month was a good month for her. Now, she’s doing $400,000 per month and has been for last few months. This is off the charts!

And, there is a project manager that thought having $200,000 or so in WIP was a lot. Now, he is cruising at $600,000 to $1,000,000, with gross profit margins moving up 20-25 points.

Greg Neil