How do You Motivate Employees?

I got a call yesterday from a contractor asking for my help with his business. He said he is a General Contractor, and then he proceeded to tell me the recent history of 26 years in business.

Mostly, what he related were his frustrations and problems with his employees, which have ranged from 35, down to 9 presently.  He relayed that he has tried everything to motivate them, and nothing has worked.  So I said I would meet with him to find out more about how he was running his business and managing his people.

When I met with him, what I discovered was about 40 percent of his daily activities that he considered his job, were responsibilities he should have been delegating.  The funny thing is, he didn’t need me to tell him that, but he finds his circumstances very frustrating and discouraging, and has been unable to successfully turn it around.

This is a very common situation that I see and hear about frequently. The joke is: Businesses rise to their own level of incompetence – and then the tired, battle weary owner decides to cut back to a more managerial level – maybe half as many crew, smaller projects, etc.  But what he takes with him is the defeat and maybe some resignation and bitterness towards his business.  It doesn’t have to be so hard. It’s not true that only the strong survive, but it is true that it helps to work smarter, rather than harder.

Your Next Steps

My mission is to demonstrate that a business embracing practices of kindness, respect and empowerment will be very, very successful and profitable.  

Ready for a new level of success in your business? 

Working with hundreds of companies in over 8,000 meetings for 25 years has shown me if you take the right actions, you will get the best results. The GNA program helps you break free from the exhausting effort to run your business. We offer a step-by-step program helping you to thrive and build the business you always wanted. 

Explore how you can achieve a new level of success in your company, schedule time with me today: