Planning – Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail

Planning is one of the most effective management tools for attacking less than needed performances. If you have a situation where you’re not getting the results you need, and that person isn’t working from a plan, it’s pretty hard for either of you to manage anything about what they are doing or not doing. That can lead to a very frustrating power struggle and likely, arguments with that person over what they can or cannot do.

On the other hand, if they have a plan, then you have a visual document that allows you to see what actions are being taken, where they are effective or not, what’s working or not working in relation to the planned goal. In short, it’s almost impossible to manage from no plan, and practically effortless to manage from a plan.

One of the most common and needed places to plan is in the marketing actions. Keep in mind that daily actions and calls sustained through time add up to a significant increase over the course of a quarter. Remember, the real power is using all the aforementioned steps together with planning.

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